
Archive for settembre 2020

Libertà creativa?

Academy Awards

8 settembre 2020 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (primi Oscar) ha diramato gli standard per eleggibilità agli 96th Oscars (2024) e tutti i film che saranno canditati agli dovranno soddisfare tutti questi requisiti (solo per il 2024 devono rispettare due dei seguenti requisiti) che vi elenco direttamente dal sito ufficiale del Academy (per leggere articolo originale clicca qui).

To achieve Standard A, the film must meet ONE of the following criteria:
A1. Lead or significant supporting actors
At least one of the lead actors or significant supporting actors is from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group (Asian, Hispanic/Latinx, Black/African American, Indigenous/Native American/Alaskan Native, Middle Eastern/North African, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Other underrepresented race or ethnicity)
A2. General ensemble cast
At least 30% of all actors in secondary and more minor roles are from at least two of the following underrepresented groups:
• Women
• Racial or ethnic group
• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing
A3. Main storyline/subject matter
The main storyline(s), theme or narrative of the film is centered on an underrepresented group(s).
• Women
• Racial or ethnic group
• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing

To achieve Standard B, the film must meet ONE of the criteria below:
B1. Creative leadership and department heads
At least two of the following creative leadership positions and department heads—Casting Director, Cinematographer, Composer, Costume Designer, Director, Editor, Hairstylist, Makeup Artist, Producer, Production Designer, Set Decorator, Sound, VFX Supervisor, Writer—are from the following underrepresented groups:
• Women
• Racial or ethnic group
• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing
At least one of those positions must belong to the following underrepresented racial or ethnic group (Asian, Hispanic/Latinx, Black/African American, Indigenous/Native American/Alaskan Native, Middle Eastern/North African, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Other underrepresented race or ethnicity)
B2. Other key roles
At least six other crew/team and technical positions (excluding Production Assistants) are from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group. These positions include but are not limited to First AD, Gaffer, Script Supervisor, etc.
B3. Overall crew composition
At least 30% of the film’s crew is from the following underrepresented groups:
• Women
• Racial or ethnic group
• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing

To achieve Standard C, the film must meet BOTH criteria below:
C1. Paid apprenticeship and internship opportunities
The film’s distribution or financing company has paid apprenticeships or internships that are from the following underrepresented groups and satisfy the criteria below:
• Women
• Racial or ethnic group
• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing
The major studios/distributors are required to have substantive, on going paid apprenticeships/internships inclusive of underrepresented groups (must also include racial or ethnic groups) in most of the following departments: production/development, physical production, post-production, music, VFX, acquisitions, business affairs, distribution, marketing and publicity.
The mini-major or independent studios/distributors must have a minimum of two apprentices/interns from the above underrepresented groups (at least one from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group) in at least one of the following departments: production/development, physical production, post-production, music, VFX, acquisitions, business affairs, distribution, marketing and publicity.
C2. Training opportunities and skills development (crew)
The film’s production, distribution and/or financing company offers training and/or work opportunities for below-the-line skill development to people from the following underrepresented groups:
• Women
• Racial or ethnic group
• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing

To achieve Standard D, the film must meet the criterion below:
D1. Representation in marketing, publicity, and distribution
The studio and/or film company has multiple in-house senior executives from among the following underrepresented groups (must include individuals from underrepresented racial or ethnic groups) on their marketing, publicity, and/or distribution teams.
• Women
• Racial or ethnic group (Asian, Hispanic/Latinx, Black/African American, Indigenous/Native American/Alaskan Native, Middle Eastern/North African, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Other underrepresented race or ethnicity)
• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing

Tutto questi vincoli per il sottoscritto, soprattutto per i punti A1, A2 e A3, sono una limitazione alla libertà creativa di un artista perché lo obbliga a snaturare la sua opera un esempio è 1917 di Sam Mendes, grandissima pellicole soprattutto a livello tecnico, dove i protagonisti sono due caporali, della prima guerra mondiale, del esercito britannico e stando ai punti citati in precedenza non avrebbe mai potuto rispettare gli standard. Sui punti B, C e D non li critico perché ci possono stare ma sul punto A ho i miei dubbi perché si impongono dei paletti creativi arrivando a forzare scelte creative.

Alla prossima sperando di scrivere meglio

PS se preferite possiamo parlare di cinema, serie TV, videogames e tanto altro sul mio canale Twitch

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Lo scorso weekend, quello del Labor Day, è stato rilasciato nelle sale cinematografiche americane TENET di Christopher Nolan, non sarò qui a spiegarvi la pellicola per il semplice fatto che non l’ho vista e anche se avessi vista non avrei la presunzione e competenze (come molti influencer che parlano di cinema e serie TV) di spiegarvela per iscritto, e ha avuto un incredibile successo incassando una cifra leggermente superiore ai 20 milioni di dollari.

Si tutti voi, lettori che per caso vi siete imbattuti su questo pseudo blog, vi state chiedendo ma 20 milioni nel weekend per gli standard USA non sono un successo anzi sono un fallimento e si avete ragione, TENET è il film di Nolan con incasso più basso battendo The Prestige, ma bisogna analizzare la situazione.

Negli Stati Uniti d’America sono aperte circa il 65% delle sale cinematografiche ed è il primo grande film rilasciato da marzo/ aprile, scusatemi non mi ricordo di preciso quando c’è stata la chiusura delle sale negli USA. a livello mondiale la pellicola ha incassato quasi 146 milioni di dollari, 30 dei quali solo in Cina.

Quindi se osserviamo i freddi numeri la pellicola è un insuccesso ma se pensiamo che è il primo grande film Made in Hollywood ad uscire dopo i mesi della pandemia ha avuto e sta avendo un successo strepitoso

Alla prossima sperando di scrivere meglio

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